On the right you can see a picture of me with Neil, Adrian and Wai. This was taken just after a presentation to our sponsors for our final year project in
Information Systems. We undertook a Systems Analysis & Design project for East Midlands Electricity in Duston, Northampton, looking at their Project Time
Recording System using SSADM and prototyping in Oracle with SQL*Forms 4.5 (Developer 2000). They were so impressed with our findings that they commissioned
the College to implement our design! The project was the equivalent to a dissertation for each of us working as a team. The documentation filled an A4 lever-arch
file to bursting point.
On the left you can see a picture of myself and my friend Ian at a College Ball in our final year (I'm on the left), at which we were treated to a gig from
EMF (you may remember their hit - "You're Unbelievable"), which went down
a storm. Both times they played it! At previous balls, we had The Pasedenas performing live,
The Regurgitator (who swallows things such as goldfish,
money etc. before regurgitating them again in a chosen order) and Mr. Methane (who can
fart at will).
As a fresher I joined the Nene College Karate Club and became the treasurer for the last 2 years of my studies. The club followed the
Wado-Ryu style and was lucky to have
Pete Kennedy, 5th Dan, as its instructor. I had already spent 5 years training in the Shotokan
style and reached purple belt. Under Pete's instruction I progressed and took my 1st Dan (black belt) grading in June '96. During my final year I organised a trip to Holland to
participate in the International Student Karate Championships in Eindhoven. On the right is a picture of me in action during a fight, which I went on to win, although sadly both
our teams were knocked out in the first round. |