My family are direct descendants of the original line of the Hunter's of Hunterston dating back hundreds of years - my great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfather was Patrick Hunter, the 21st Laird of Hunterston. You can see a picture of Hunterston Castle on the Official Clan Hunter homepage (link below).
As members of a Clan we are entitled to wear the Clan Tartan. It seems that a common fallacy (which I held) is that lowland Clans wear 'trews' a sort of trousers rather than kilts. Thanks to Tom Hunter (who runs the Clan Hunter Association in Canada) for clarifying this point - we can wear either! I don't own a pair of trews or a kilt because they are expensive to have made (have you seen how much material goes into a kilt?) and so instead I have a tie and a scarf. You can see the Tartan down the left-hand side of this page.
Over the recent years the lands of Hunterston have been reduced, firstly by the building of Hunterston 'B' Nuclear Power Station by Scottish Nuclear, and secondly by the building of a deep-water port by the British Steel Corporation.
In 1969 the Lyon Court officially recognised Neil Kennedy-Cochran-Patrick (b.1926) in the name of the Hunter of Hunterston as being 29th Laird of Hunterston and Chief of Clan Hunter and in 1981 they created a new Hunter tartan. The tartan, motto and crest depicted on these pages are those of my line of the family.
Family Crests